How Safe it is to Keep Wearing Orthodontic Brackets Too Long

Orthodontic Brackets
Orthodontic Brackets

Almost every soul undergoing one orthodontic treatment or the other is keen to take the orthodontic brackets off as quickly as possible. It is hard to believe but for some style-savvy youngsters wearing braces is a sort of fashion statement. Thus, there is wonder that some teens have to continue wearing the braces far too long whereas others get braces even when those are not required.

Orthodontic patients may be categorised under metal, ceramic and clear braces but that division never takes the focus away from the fact that it is indeed a valid concern because having the braces on for long can have unwanted side-effects on one’s oral health.

In the following section of the blog post let us explore both the pros and cons of switching over to Orthodontic Brackets.

Braces are undeniably helpful in shifting your teeth into correct alignment. But there are also some flip sides to it. As an unwanted side effect braces trigger certain oral hygiene issues. Even for those who need it most badly, a major concern is braces prevent proper brushing and flossing of the teeth.

Food particles often get stuck between the teeth as well as between the wires and brackets. This prevents maintaining optimum oral hygiene and magnifies the chances of plaque build-up. Cleaning the teeth while on braces if certainly little more difficult than without braces. If you are not able to clean between the teeth properly plaques that build up in the process inflates the volume of harmful bacteria in your mouth. Plaque gives way to tartar as the condition of your oral health further nosedives.

Plaque is thin film of harmful bacteria that forms on the teeth surface. You can remove plaque on your own through proper brushing. But removing tartar is never so easy. Only the trained and skilled pair of hands of a dentist or a dental hygienist can clean tartar build-up in your mouth.

As soon as tartar becomes accumulated you are prone to develop gum disease or periodontal disease. Developing periodontal gum disease or being in high-risk category of developing it is never the right way to impress friends.

There is a lot more to add to the ongoing context. If braces are worn too long, there are higher chances of suffering damages to the nerves. Only technically sound orthodontists know how to remain cautious and avoid the issue. If your orthodontist wants you to wear braces for longer than necessary chances are high the professional lacks expertise. It is important to remember the longer you are braces the higher are the chances of developing complexities with your oral health.

Other than anything else, loosen brackets and snapped wires can cause serious choking. To make sure your overall dental health is no way compromised while you are on braces, it is vital to visit your orthodontist every six months for a thorough overall check-up and professional teeth cleaning.

The very moment you decide to get Orthodontic brackets to straighten the teeth, knowingly or unknowingly you get into a long-term commitment. The average time for orthodontic treatments is 24 months. Thus, you get locked in your commitment for the next couple of years. Everyone knows life is full of surprises. In case you have to discontinue with seeing your orthodontist, for whatsoever reason, it is advisable to remove the braces. If you ignore taking it off or continue wearing them that could lead to serious health complications after a period of time.

Regular adjustments are required for Orthodontic brackets. On an average these routine adjustments are required once in every 6 to 8 weeks. These visits allow your orthodontist to monitor overall progress as well as plan the next step of your treatment. Now if you stop visiting the orthodontist all on a sudden, your teeth stop shifting further after 2 to 3 months. Without the routine checkups of the orthodontic expert the braces prove to be ineffective to shift the teeth further and thus, the treatment ceases. And if you still keep wearing the braces to the teeth, it may have a severely negative impact on your dental health and wellbeing.

Brackets invite plaques. Wires and brackets undeniably make brushing the flossing the teeth difficult. As a result, plaques get a free run to build up in your mouth over a period of time. Under the care and guidance of your qualified orthodontist the problem of plaque build-up is easily spotted at its initial stages and appropriate measures are taken to eradicate the problem before it turns serious. When you stop visiting your orthodontist you get deprived of all those benefits.

Orthodontists also adjust your orthodontic brackets during those routine visits. These adjustment measures also prove helpful to keep your mouth free of plaques. But if these orthodontic brackets are left on the teeth for too long, plaques are likely to grow leading to tooth decay and periodontal gum disease.

Orthodontic Brackets may get dislodged. Under normal circumstance when your orthodontic bracket gets dislodged, the orthodontist works on it to put it back in place. When you stop seeing your orthodontist for long, the brackets gradually start dislodging from their position. This not only looks aesthetically repulsive but is also harmful for the teeth. The abrasive nature of the glue used to fix the brackets to the teeth contributes to plaque build-up.

The best and safest way is getting the brackets removed. Dental plaque is the biggest threat in having the brackets on the teeth for year after year. Else you have to be exceptionally meticulous about your dental hygiene to avoid plaques. But that is never an easy task to continue with years together, warns a renowned orthodontist dealing in invisible braces in London.

To put an end to a long story, it is crucial to get your braces removed as soon as you know you are unable to continue with the treatment. This is the best approach to avoid diseases tooth and gums. Any orthodontist, who is absolutely unaware about your case history, can dislodge your braces without a fuss or hassle.

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